• Growth strategies for businesses and the people who work for them

    Lindsay Paterson

  • Why me?

    With over 30 years' experience in business, I can help you with:-

    • Building your strategy for future growth - see my Business 360 service below
    • Executive coaching and mentoring,
    • Securing ROI from your talent
    • Working through issues at Executive Committee or Board level.
    • Understanding how your clients think about you and how you can grow your relationship with them
    • Building or integrating a network
    • Building or developing your profile through thought leadership (including running social media for senior thought leaders)
    • Innovating around new services
    • Improving your internal comms and driving employee engagement
    • Speechwriting
    • Facilitation

    I can be as strategic or as hands-on as you need. Happy to do or think. Up to you.


    To find out more about my executive coaching services, please visit CoachingConsultants

  • Business 360

    6 steps to growth and innovation


    I work with consultancies and partnerships to build and implement robust growth strategies based on a 360 degree understanding of the opportunities, challenges, and perceptions that will enable or frustrate growth.


    Businesses regularly conduct 360s on their staff...doing the same for your business helps you to plan for future growth in an informed, strategic way.


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    1. Your vision

    We spend enough time together for me to understand where your business is at the moment and where you want to get it to.

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    2. Your team's vision

    I interview key members of your team to get their take on where the business is at the moment, where it could and should be going and how it could get there

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    3. Your clients' perceptions

    I interview an agreed group of clients to understand their perceptions of your business, their current and future needs and expectations.

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    4. How your competitors see you

    I meet with an agreed group of your competitors to talk about how you are perceived in the market

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    5. Report back

    I bring this material together to deliver an easily digestible 360 degree review of your business which creates the building blocks for your strategy for growth

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    6.  Action

    At this stage, I can do as much or as little as you need. Roll up my sleeves and work on implementation with your team or help you sell it to the Board.

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    About Me

    I'm passionate about people and helping businesses to succeed.

    In my 50s, so far, I've helped an independent public affairs consultancy go global, develop and implement a five year strategy for growth and win a collection of awards for its success. I've also coached many MDs and CEOs to be more confident, be more strategic and lead with vision.


    In my 40s, I ran my own business in France, consulting with a global futures consultancy and the European Commission, (while also building a small holiday business).


    In my 30s, I helped the countries of Central and Eastern Europe join the European Union, running a £5 million technical assistance programme for the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.


    In my 20s, I helped the Law Society of Scotland go international, opening an office in Brussels and looking to new markets for legal services.


    I like change - but I also like results and I'm not afraid to put in the hours to get them. The harder you work, the luckier you get. It's a cliche, but it's true.

  • Experience

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    Consultant, Coach

    January 2017 - present

    Coaching CEOs, MDs and rising stars to build confidence and deliver to their full potential. Helping businesses plan for the future. Working with people changing direction to find the right career options for them and a path to get there.

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    January 2017 - present

    Special projects with the CEO

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    Group Practice Director

    2012 - 2017

    Working with CEO on design and delivery of 5 year plan. Responsible for global network growth and integration, innovation, digital, marketing, internal and external comms, talent strategy,

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    2000 - 2012

    DG Justice, European Commission, Council of the Bars and Law Societies of Europe, Law Society, Iconoculture Inc.,

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    Adviser on European Integration

    1995 - 2000

    Designed, managed and delivered a £5million technical assistance programme to help the countries of Central and Eastern Europe to join the EU.

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    Director, International

    1987 - 1995

    European engagement, international business development, management of a team of 16.

    Trainee Solicitor

    1985 - 1987

    Legal aid practice dealing with criminal and matrimonial clients

  • Find me ...

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    London, United Kingdom


    Sorry about the form, but too many email addresses get hacked these days.....fill it in and I'll reply. It's a promise.

  • Want to lead? Spend less time on the dancefloor and more time on the balcony....